Packages in Java
In this article, I'll explain 1. what packages are, 2. How to create a package in java, 3. And some naming conventions you need to follow!
What are packages in Java?
In Java, packages are there to encapsulate classes, methods, interfaces, and sub-packages. So, we can use them whenever we want in our programs without writing the same code again. Packages organize all the classes and methods available based on the type/ work that they do. Due to that, we can easily access them.
Types of Packages in Java
There are built-in packages as well as you can create user-defined packages. Some of the built-in packages in Java,
java.lang - It contains classes for primitive types, process, System, Thread. - It contains classes required for input/output operations , file handling. java.util - It contains the collections framework , event model , date and time facilities java.applet - It provides classes needed to create an applet and the classes an applet uses to communicate with it's applet context java.awt - It contains classes for creating user-interfaces and for creating graphics and images. - It provides classes for implementing networking applications.
Packages are named in the reverse order of domain names. Example:
Naming conventions
- Always start with lowercase letters
- Choose unique package name
- Companies use their reversed Internet domain name to begin their package names
- Sub packages are packages present in other packages. Example: lang, util, awt, etc., all these are sub-packages present in the java package.
import java.util.LinkedList; This will import only Linkedlist class of util package import java.util.* This will import all classes in the subpackage util.
Create your package and use it in other programs without implementing again.
Let us create a package having a class named Operations which contains methods like addition, subtraction, multiplication of two numbers by taking double parameters and returning double, finding sum from 1 to n where n is a parameter, finding an nth Fibonacci number. Now we can create a package with the above specifications. I'll explain step by step how to create a package of your own,
Creating a package
Create class Operations
Create all methods required
public class Operations {
public static int Add(int a,int b)
return a+b;
public static int Subtract(int a,int b)
return a-b;
public static int multiply(int a,int b)
return a*b;
public static double divide(double a,double b)
return a/b;
return -1;
public static int sum(int N)
int sumUptoN=0;
for(int i=1;i<=N;i++)
return sumUptoN;
public static int nthFibo(int N)
return 0;
return 1;
int first=0;
int second=1;
int NthFibo=0;
for(int i=3;i<=N;i++)
return NthFibo;
Folder structure
Test functionality of methods in main class
Now delete main class
Folder structure
Create jar file
- Navigate to File/Project Structure/Artifacts
- Create new Artifact by clicking + symbol--> select JAR--> From modules with dependencies--> Click ok
- Build project
- Build Artifacts by navigating to build
- Now check out in project structure out-->artifacts-->Operations.jar
- This is the file that we will be importing in whichever projects we want to use the functionality.
Create a new project named OperationsTest
- Make sure to change base package
Import the package
- Go to File/Project Structure/Libraries
- Click on + -> New project library and select the jar file
click ok
import package in the main class too.
Use the package functionality in operationsTest
That's it you were able to create a package of your own and able to use it in your own class in different package.
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